There are key mistakes I notice when I see the things recruiters are doing both on LinkedIn and in their day to day recruiting activities. While some of the mistakes that they are making are trivial, others are going to directly prevent the recruiter from making placements and/or winning business.

I feel it is important to bring to light the three key mistakes I see recruiters are making when it comes to ‘personal branding’ and ‘tone’ so everyone can stop and check their practices the next time that they are using LinkedIn. We need to keep in mind. LinkedIn is the network, the platform. The messaging and information we distribute is the lifeblood.

Mistake # 1: Failing To Recognize WIIFM

“What’s In It For Me”. That is what a candidate thinks and each time you contact them. Whether winning new candidates or fighting to try to keep and develop the value of existing senior candidates, long-term success depends upon delivering the continual exchange of real value.

Building stronger candidate relationships and a sustainable value exchange is key to survival whether you are a niche agency or the world’s biggest corporate recruiter. You must recognize this. People do business with people and the candidate is no different.

Frame your communications with the mindset “ what will the candidate think when they read this?”. Is it just another faceless job post? “A piece of meat” is how a recent SAP candidate described how they felt.  Always offer value first this is especially true when asking for referrals for example. You need to be a personality and offer value first. 2013 will see a shift in recruitment. Personal branding will be key and those who miss it will be left as “just one of many”.

Mistake # 2 Lack of Sector Specificity

One area recruiters fail is when they fill their LinkedIn profiles with disparate job functions and industries. While you could have experience in a vast variety of job industries and have an eclectic set of job functions you want to showcase, it is important to understand that this makes come across a little scattered.

In turn, companies who look at your LinkedIn profile and see endless job descriptions and pleas for candidates are probably not going to hire you for helping them to bring in talent. Instead, use your profile for open networking and keep communication simple and professional. The key is 1) build your network strategically 2) brand yourself as the “goto” man to your network 3) elicit action from candidates and clients eloquently. Short term action but long term vision.

Mistake # 3 Personal Branding & Positioning Has Not Been Defined

Most recruiters have evolved. They started in the game, attained contacts and evolved their LinkedIn branding, their personal branding and have not taken a step back to assess what sets them apart. Why a business or a candidate should work with them?

Focus on your placements and what defines you as a recruiter. Let the talent and companies know what they are going to get from you in an approach that gives you some definition. Be the industry leader in your niche. This is where recruitment is heading. Being the “Goto” man for your niche is key.

On your LinkedIn profile both you and the company you are working for need to come across as being the legitimate sector leader. If an Aston Martin breaks down, the owner wants the car in the best hands, the Aston Martin specialist garage. Not the local back street dealer which deals with every brand of car. Senior candidates are the same.  They want their career handled by the Aston Martin dealership. They want to deal with the sector leaders.

Are you portraying yourself as the Aston Martins of the world?

This is going to be implemented by ensuring you do a few important things. This includes:

  • Company branding (which then breaks down into…..)
  • Consultant branding (whom rely upon a….)
  • Clear branding message (which then creates the……)
  • LinkedIn and Digital Strategy that is consistent, clear and concise (which then drives……)
  • Content driven marketing to position yourself as sector leaders

While I listed three of the mistakes I find that recruitment companies on LinkedIn and online in general fail to recognise that we are in a time of choice.  By addressing the main mistakes though you can re-examine how you are using this network to disseminate the “tone” of your company and begin to create a new branding and image for 2013.

In fact I am considering holding a session either live in London or via webinar on this. If you are interested in how to become the goto man in your sector and elevate your personal branding please email me at with title “Goto Man”.