Are you tired of being invisible in your niche? Would you like to establish yourself as an expert in your niche? The key to growing your recruiting business and becoming a leader in your market is to start using the networks and expertise of other leaders in your niche. You can create an event that lets you take advantage of the expertise of a leader in your niche market, and that event can be leveraged to boost your visibility in the market, taking you from niche extra to niche expert in just a few weeks. Here’s a closer look at the steps you need to take to start growing your recruiting business to dominate your niche.

Choosing an Event

The first step is to choose an event and then set a date for your event. You have a couple different types of events to choose from, including”

  • Offline Events – Offline event ideas include workshops, panel questions, and seminars. These events may take a bit longer to organize and may be more costly, but they can offer great results.
  • Online Events – Online event ideas include having a Google Hangout, a webinar, or a podcast series. In most cases, online events are easier to orchestrate and produce.

After you decide whether you want to use an offline or online event, set the date for the event. It’s not enough to simply say you’ll have the event in the future. Choose a date today and get on your way to being a niche expert.

Announcing Your Event

After you choose your event and the date for your event, you need to announce your event. A few ways to announce your event include:

  • Use the Speaker’s Networks– Make use of your speaker’s networks. This allows you to leverage the speaker’s expertise and networks to spread the word. Some networks that your speaker may have include:
    • Social networks (ex. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.)
    • Email lists
    • Groups/forums
  • Use Your Networks– Don’t forget to use your own networks to announce your event, such as:
    • Social networks (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.)
    • Email lists
    • Friends

Podcast Interview Series

A Podcast Interview Series is an excellent event option to consider using. Why should you consider doing podcasts? Podcasts give you a unique voice that other people can identify with. If you’re not a leader in your niche, most people only associate you with an email address or a telephone number. Podcasts give you a chance to be recognized, increasing your visibility in the market.

It’s also easy to get world-class speakers for a Podcast Interview Series. When you have great speakers, you’ll begin grabbing the attention of your prospects. Each podcast can be used in multiple ways. You can add it to iTunes, YouTube, and to your social networks. Your speakers can also share the podcasts, which only increases your visibility.

Emails for Speakers

To make sure that your speakers get the word out about your event, consider making it easy for your speakers by creating templates and giving speakers a plan of release for the emails.

  • Create Email Templates – If you make it easy for speakers to simply hit send on emails, they’re more likely to share emails with their networks. Write multiple email templates for your speakers to send out, including announcement emails and follow up emails.
  • Give Speakers a Plan of Release – Along with those email templates, including a plan of release. Give exact dates when the emails should be sent. You may also want to send reminders to speakers, gently prompting them to send out emails at the appropriate time.

Content Rules

When you’re sending content, there are a few content rules you need to remember. Keep the following rules in mind for the best results:

  • Frequency – Make sure that you are sending out emails at least once each week. Just make sure you are sending emails that are worthy of your readers’ time.
  • Breakdown of Content – When you send out content, make sure that 50% is good, quality content. About 25% of the content should focus on engagement, asking the reader to do something, such as replying or taking a survey. The other 25% should focus on sales, but you should always avoid overselling.

Tips for Sending Emails

It’s important to send regular emails to the people on your list, but you want to make sure that your emails are opened and that they provide excellent results. Use the following tips when you send out emails:

  • Tip #1 – Use a Good Headline – Choose a headline that makes your reader curious enough to open the email. You need to grab their attention or they will never open your email.
  • Tip #2 – Focus on Quality – The content in your email should focus on offering a benefit to your client.
  • Tip #3 – Include a Call to Action – Make a clear call to action within your email. You can use scarcity to encourage readers to take action quickly.
  • Tip #4 – Soap Opera Sequence – Think about soap operas – they always end with a cliffhanger. You can use this principle in your emails. Use cliffhangers in your emails to ensure that your readers open your next email too.

With just a few weeks of hard work, it’s possible for you to go from being an unknown recruiter in your niche to a niche expert. Instead of trying the old techniques that you’ve been using for years, try these helpful steps. You’ll be surprised at how fast you begin seeing growth, and you can use these steps again and again for incredible results.

Or if you are hungry for this now and want to get started immediately schedule a 10 minute discovery call at to see how you can apply inbound one to many strategies in your business now.

Andy Whitehead