Some agency owners can find systemizing their basic agency processes to be a challenge. If you’re beginning to adopt systemization in your agency you may not know where to begin, how to overcome challenges in the mid stages of implementation, or you may even find that some processes are not working as intended once they’re already implemented.

There are ways to ensure that systemizing your agency goes smoothly. With just seven proven agency systems you could improve efficiency across any type of business, helping to reduce operating expenses and positively impact profit margins.

Step One: You Need A System For Storing Leads:

The easiest way to systemize client and candidate lead data is with the use of simple web forms. This will allow you to collect key information about potential clients, even before they commit to your business.

Step Two: Build a System Where You Can Communicate With Your Leads:

Building rapport, authority, and trust will be essential to converting your leads. Actively building your lead database should be performed with a system that allows you to stay in contact with valuable information, product offers, and services that will help to convert these potential clients.

Step Three: Implement An Intake System For Your Clients And Candidates:

Winning a client is only the beginning of your relationship with them. From this point you will need a system that allows you to collect data, determine needs, and record any relevant information that your agency needs from a client. This system will ensure that you are able to deliver on the unique needs and requirements of each client.

Step Four: Systemize Candidate And Client Feedback:

Feedback is essential to strengthening your products and services. It will also help you to determine if your current systems are working efficiently. Implement processes that aim to seek client / candidate feedback after any client interaction. This data is most valuable when the experience is fresh in the minds of your clients.

Step Five: Be Proactive To Gather Testimonials:

A testimonial is a more formal form of feedback that can help you to market your business. Requesting testimonials should be a system of its own, and can be used to follow up on large, complex, and important landmark projects. Your agency can even provide value to a client through a testimonial, especially considering that publishing these will help to promote their business.

Step Six: Manage your internal projects efficiently:

Don’t ignore the value in systemizing your project delivery processes. Even though you might consider each project to be unique, systemizing the processes you use to deliver projects will ensure successful and consistent results.

Step Seven: Systemize your systems:

Many recruitment agencies operate without systemized processes. These recruitment agencies are likely to be less efficient in both productivity and operating expense. Introducing a system for creating systems will be a powerful way to ensure that all aspects of your agency are optimized. A simple checklist based form can be used by staff to document processes and new systems. These can then be reviewed and implemented as necessary.

One of my clients Jen works in the Java niche. Within 4 months she has outsourced her candidates sourcing and all of her marketing. It comes down to process. It’s easy when you know how. Cloning yourself is the quickest way to growth. That’s one of the reasons our clients double to 10x their businesses.

Ensuring that your agency is systemized when it comes to lead generation, service delivery, and internal process will ensure that you can remain competitive in your marketplace. At the same time you will reduce costs and increase productivity through efficiency. Starting small and documenting each system will ensure a smooth transition as you implement your new systematic approach to doing business.

Or if you are hungry for this now and want to get started immediately schedule a 10 minute discovery call at to see how you can apply inbound one to many strategies in your business now.

Andy Whitehead