“I want more money and fewer hours.” Sound familiar? We’ve all been there haven’t we? It’s the goal of everyone who starts a new agency and Andy—a newcomer to our training, was no different.

Andy was a one man show, working in recruiting when he came to us. He  had an outstanding pipeline in place from his previous contacts, but he wasn’t quite sure how to make it pay off for him. He had the perfect niche area—heavy rail and civil engineers to name just a few. It was broad spectrum and the ideal venue to help him to achieve his goal. The only problem was, being a one man agency, Andy didn’t have time to go out on his own and source the candidates to grow his business.

It was apparent fairly quickly that the old-school way of doing things wasn’t going to work for him. Andy’s frustration was obvious in his next statement, “I know there’s a smarter way to work.”

Crazy stressful hours were part and parcel of his schedule and he wasn’t getting the numbers that he needed. He also wasn’t establishing himself as a leader in the field. That’s really one of the imperatives if you’re going to work in an arena such as ours. You need to not only be an authority, but other people must recognize you as such. That was our first goal for Andy.

What we did to change Andy’s venture and the outcome was to change the whole way that he worked. He needed to change the way that he got new candidates and the way that he did business. Instead of having the mindset that he was one of many in his field, he needed to have the mind-set that he was the go-to person, the leader in his niche. He also needed a way to establish himself as that leader and it wasn’t going to be one client and one candidate at a time

He needed to change his physical activities too. He was using LinkedIn and social media and email blasts and a lot of energy. In short,  Andy was filling a hundred different roles in his own business. I was exhausted just thinking about what he was doing and how he was doing it.  He was an expectant father and he had better things to do with his time.

We addressed that immediately, literally changing the core of how he did business, from start to finish.

The first thing that we did was this. It was time for him to get off  the phone and make the most of his time. We’re in the digital age with a lot of cool tools and unique ways to save time. There are so many different conversion tools that you can use. Andy was killing himself and I needed to help him to understand that there was a better way of sourcing candidates. That  meant using webinars and other methods to address multiple people—to reach the masses, not just one customer at a time. Automation was definitely the way to go.

Marketing in one place at a time,  speaking to candidates one at a time, speaking to customers one at a time was not going to work for him as a one man business. Andy needed to leverage the power that the internet gave him to become a leader in his industry by using all of the tools that he had at his disposal. He needed to be addressing multiple people at a time. That meant he needed to use the tools that he had–tools that were going to literally prevent him from killing himself with work.

Using automated tools, using emails that you can send 10K at a time, or speaking to people ten thousand at a time via webinar can save you time, money and stress.  Conversion tools like webinars can simplify your life. They can help you to grow your business in ways that many of you can’t imagine. It’s Conversion on Steroids and it’s works. It’s working for Andy, it’s working for me and it can work for you.

Today, in the digital age, when we have so many things at our disposal, many of us are still working ourselves to death because we’re not leveraging the tools that we have. In some cases, we’re not even sure how to take advantage of them. It’s time to learn.

For Andy’s conversion tool we used a webinar and the results were literally astounding. He had the power to convert –not just one customer at a time, but hundreds at a time and he used it to do exactly that.

With our help Andy learned how rethink how he worked and to focus on technology to help. He used it to create a 3 step online system that resulted in 85 CV’s with 57 going to the client. It was a scalable and repeatable system that could be easily replicated–and was– 17 times in the next 8 weeks.

The point is this– how much time do you really have at your disposal? Your time is money, but more, you don’t want to spend it all on work.

Ask yourself a few questions.

How many tools are out there that you aren’t using? How many tools exist that could make the most of the time that you have to spend on growing your business? How many powerful products could save you stress and sleepless nights? Take advantage of the methods available and the technology that is growing by leaps and bounds every day.

Old school values like customer service and quality, those should definitely be here to stay. Old school sales and recruiting methods are not the future.  If the way that you’re doing things isn’t saving time and it isn’t saving money—if it isn’t going  to give you more time and money to spend on things that are valuable, it’s time to take a look at a new way of working. As the saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.” We can show you how.

Or if you are hungry for this now and want to get started immediately schedule a 10 minute discovery call at www.rmi.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php to see how you can apply inbound one to many strategies in your business now.

Andy Whitehead