As a recruiter you must continually get credibility, candidates and clients.


While a lot of methods can be implemented to drive these, such as the telephone, face-to-face meetings, live events one of the most effective and inexpensive ways is to demonstrate your recruiting prowess via your blog.


It is confusing though understandable why so many recruiters overlook the benefits of a blog. It can offer so much, but given the fire fighting reactive industry we are in I know time can be a killer. That is why I am going to give you the three tools I use to make sure blogs get written, distributed and read on autopilot. But first….


Why you must read this and take action and not leave it “until next week”….


The genius with a recruitment blog is four fold.


Genius Reason 1 – Lifetime Leads To Your Business

Once up. It is there for life and will continue to bring traffic and new leads forever. With the correct keywords in your blog you can expect traffic from candidates searching for those keywords in their next position and client looking for service providers and/or information in the industry. Which leads me onto….


Genius Reason 2 – Immediately Brands You As The Expert

You will know by now I am a huge advocate of making you the leader in your niche. It is the quickest and most reliable way to create 100 new client face to face meetings within 60 days over any other strategy we use with our members. A key component for the long term success of your business is to be the leader in your niche. Your blog allows you to share your expertise, the experts you are aligned with and the leaders in your niche your clients and candidates look up to. It is the most direct powerful route to leadership and certainty in your business.

The blog allows you to demonstrate this. Which brings me nicely into…..


Genius Reason 3 – Immediately Brings New Candidates and Clients To Your Site

Candidates and clients are no different from you. Candidates want to know. Hey Mr. Recruiter can you get me a role with company XXXX. Can you get me a salary increase of XXXX. The client wants to know, Hey Ms. Recruiter. Can you get the skilled talent we are unable to locate ourselves. Can you ensure they will be onsite in 12 months and not off to the next great opportunity.


No matter what your website says. Or how wonderful and gleaming your marketing material is.


They are skeptical.


Look at it this way.


All you really care about is “Andy, can you show me how to get more candidates and how to get clients giving me the exclusive roles”. The rest is hot air. The same for candidates and clients. Use the blog to demonstrate your skills to deliver both with content and case studies.


Which I guess you know by now leads me into….


Genius Reason 4 – Preframes Conversations With Candidates and Clients By Overcoming Objections.

You will know what the top objections are from clients and candidates for not selecting your agency (if you don’t write them down. This forms the major part of your marketing).


The blog is a key way to remove those objections before any communication on the phone takes place. It adds a secondary set of evidence when the conversation takes place. Your marketing and communications major role is to remove as many objections and obstructions before getting on the phone.


Right. There are hundreds of other benefits to the blog. But getting into the how.


The blog needs to be a central part of your business. Right. The reason you have not utilized it to the extent you wish is because of time. Am I right?


Ok, lets get past that now.


The strategies I recommend you use which can pretty much cut the time down to less than 30 minutes per week of your time.


1. Writing the blog. Have a professional author write the blog for you. He will need to know the keywords, the topic, the type of writing (technical, conversational etc.) and number of words. You are looking at $10-12 for a 500-700 word blog article from a PhD standard author. Considering it will take you a couple of hours at least to write the blog. Simple economics prevail.


2. Loading the blog onto your website – Yes this is a simple task. Yes it takes 10 minutes. But when do you have 10 minutes free amidst the calls and the fire fighting? So you outsource it. You hire an outsourcer to take the article (I wll show how to do this) from you or the author in step one and load onto your site. Cost $5 per week max. Again – you have bigger wins to break through than dealing with this technical time killer.


3. Distributing across the net (virtually no recruiters do this). Build it and they will come we have been told. Yes when good gold Google picks up your blog and keywords you will begin to traction and organic traffic. But if you have ever seen Gordon Ramsey go into a restaurant. They make the new dishes, they overhaul the restaurant and then they aggressively go and get new clients. You do the same. Social book marking (place on sites like Diggit), your email list, your databases, social networks and add value to the marketplace.


But Andy I don’t have time. Yes. So you hire someone to do this. 10 hours per week will cover you for a LOT of traffic and have your blog posted on approx. 100 websites per week, 400 per month, 5000 per year. See how these things grow.


NOW they will come.


If you do nothing else do your best and move forward. If you want a follow the dots system read on…..


This Thursday where I am going to be sharing the behind the scenes steps for each of these. Give you the contacts to take this off your hands plus the top 23 tools we use and the three step process to virtually guarantee your blog will be battle ready and set up for success.


Click on the link below. Read through to the bottom of the page. Register for the recording so you have access to the training, recording, slides and MP3.


If you have a blog in your business, this is vital information at such a great price, you simply can’t afford to live without……


3 Step Process You Will Discover On This Training

  • Step 1 – FRESH RELEVANT CONTENT – Creation of the blog (without you writing a word or paying a fortune for a ghost writer)
  • Step 2 – HANDS OFF NO TECHNICAL SKILLS REQUIRED – Uploading of the blog (how to automate the process for $5 per week leaving you time to sell)
  • Step 3 – THE TRAFFIC RUSH – . Distributing the blog to little known online channels (so you get candidates and clients finding you all over the net and not just on your blog. Imagine your blog being posted all over the net……


Reserve your place here:


“I really like the way I can have fresh content created for me without writing it myself”


P.s. This is essential business information, clearly explained…pick up now and stop worrying about this essential part of your business


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